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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

If Missing You's Ratings Break 20%, The Three Actors Will..

In response to what will you do if the ratings break the 20% barrier,

Yoon Eun Hye at first hesitated and said "If the ratings break 20%, I told the staff members that we should go on a trip. I told them that I'd treat them to either South East Asia or Jeju Islands trip and I'm bit nervous right now (That it will happen), and laughed.

Park Yoo Chun stated, "If the ratings come out good, I will donate rice and tangerines to those who are in economic difficulties under the name of "Missing You". Park Yoo Chun had stated earlier that Yoo Seung Ho eats lots of tangerines at the filming location, making Yoo Seung Ho embarassed.

Yoo Seung Ho responded to Park Yoo Chun's plans by stating "I'll also donated with Yoo Chun hyung in good deeds".

Credits : CDBloom @yehnet

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