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Friday, March 9, 2012

Yoon Eun Hye's MARCH 2012 tweets

note: PURPLE=date , ORANGE=Original tweet & RED = Translation

March 8

RT : 낮은 바다는 모두를 끝없이 품지만, 높은 산 정상은 누구도 오래 두지 않습니다

RT @ChungMinCho The ocean below may take in everyone endlessly, but the peak of a tall mountain doesn't let anyone stay for long.


ㅎㅎ 맨얼굴도 예뿌구먼~걱정마로!! 그나저나 집에서 그때찍은 그 사진 맞어??+_+예뿌네~나도 사진 찾아 봐야겠다 ㅋ RT : 읏허, 이것 참... 생각해 보니 큰일입니다... 생활 ...http://t.co/mXXRXlPu
Don't worry!! Even without the makeup it looks pretty..
In any case, is it the same picture you took at home before?? +_+ It's pretty~ I better look for the picture as well, keke
RT @jadu0504:hmm...after thinking about it, it's a big problem...thanks to photographer Ms. YEH taking too good of picture and manager Kim Hyung Joon's magic photo work....(Photos taken not too long ago)..


Asian film awards 에서 Best newcomer 부문의 시상을 함께하게 된 유.덕.화!!!!님 매너짱!!! 멋쪄~~http://t.co/W8s8CgKh

Andy Lau!!!! whom I presented the "Best Newcomer" award with. at the Asian Film Awards..has the best manners (is a great gentleman)!! Handsome~~


이런 ...말로만 듣던 .... 제 이름으로 페이스북 사칭하는 분들이 진짜 있네요 .. 음..@-@;;주변 분들이 피해를 보고 있는것 같은데 속지마세요~~~ 조만간 페이스북 만들자마자 이곳에 소식 올리겠습니다;;;^^

Oh no...I've only heard about it before but..there really exists fake Facebook accounts using my name..hmm..@-@ It seems some people are affected by it but please don't fall for it~~~ I'll let you know here (Twitter) as soon as I create a Facebook account sometime in near future;;;^^

March 21

시상식장에서 만난 또 한명의 스타!! 오다기리조님~!! 부끄러워서 이제서야 올리네요~!!ㅎㅎ 멋지고 예쁘기까지...^^http://t.co/2t68yHOg
Another star I met at the awards ceremony!! Odagiri Joe~!!! Posting it now from being shy~!! hehe..Not only he is cool but he's also pretty...^^

March 21

완전 찡햐~~~❤RT :잠시 후, 3월 22일 0시! The House Company의 유일한 Musician, 자두씨의 새 노래들이 온라인 오픈 됩니다! 변화된 모습으로 4년만에 돌아온 그녀에게 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드립니다!

completely touched~~~♥ RT @TheHouseCompany In a bit, at 0 o'clock on March 22nd!
The only musician of The House Company,
Jadu's new songs will be released on the internet!
Please have lots of interest and support for her..
as she returns after 4 years with transformed image!

March 22

^^RT @TheHouseCompany 날씨가 많이 따뜻해졌네요 :-
모두 잘지내시고 계시죠~?
오랜만에 인사드립니다
앞으로는 자주 찾아뵙도록 하겠습니다~^^
저희 은혜씨가 어제 홍콩에서 개최되었던
Asian Film Awards을 잘 마치고돌아왔습니다
관련 사진 몇장 올립니다~
모두들 환절기 건강에 유의하시고
다음에 또 좋은소식 전하겠습니다^^
The weather has become quiet warm :-
Everyone's doing well, right~?
It's been a while since we've last said hello.
We'll keep you updated more often in the future~^^
Our Eun Hye returned to Korea after a successful appearance at the Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong.
We're posting few related photos from the event~
Stay healthy during the change of season everyone
and We'll post more good news in the future^^

another tweet: same day ^^


Good night!

March 23

❤너무 좋아RT @swissmisjen: I Love your voice! <3  Jadu (자두) - 2012 대화가 필요해 "We Need To Talk "(Guitalele Ver....

♥So good

another tweet;same day

무한RT 바람!! Jadu (자두) - 1인분 [MV HD] via 

Infinity RT wind!! Jadu - 1 person[MV HD]  via 

March 24

눈 이 다!! 3월 말인데 ;;;;;
its snowing !! even though its end of March ;;;;;

*RT by YEH
RT @jadu0504: (•̴̑.̶̥•̴̑) RT : 자두씨의 공식 홈페이지와 유투브 채널 오픈했습니다. 공식적인 컨텐츠들 이 곳에서 감상해 주세요~ ^___^

RT @jadu0504: (•̴̑.̶̥•̴̑) RT :Jadu official Youtube channel is opened now. Please view her official contents at this channel~ ^___^ http://www.jadu0504.com


March 27

commons&sense 오래간만에 청순~ http://t.co/XNCwv6uJ
commons&sense innocent in a long time ~ http://t.co/XNCwv6uJ

(other) translations CREDITS to : CDBLOOM @yehnet

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