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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yoon Eun Hye's Hand Skills, From The Handwritings In Goong To Kim Hye Ja's Portrait Are All By Her?

[TV edaily Reporter Kwak Hyun Soo]
Actress Yoon Eun Hye grabbed attention as the female entertainer who has the most talented hand skills.
A list of female entertainers with great hand skills, titled "Female Entertainers With Great Hand Skills" have recently been revealed at an online community.
Yoon Eun Hye came in 1st place on the list, beating out Jung Ryu Won and Rainbow's Jae Kyung, and people were focused on the reasons behind it.
As it was revealed, Yoon Eun Hye's handwriting that appeared in the 1st episode of drama, "Goong", and Kim Hye Ja's portrait that appeared in the same drama were both by her. In addition, even the menu and the writings on the blackboard in "1st Shop of Coffee Prince" were all designs created by her hand.
Netizens responded to the post by stating, "If it's true, she's an expert!", "She's good enough to get certified", "That's why people need some skills", and other comments that showcased their amusement of the post.

Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20120326n30729 via vegaspink^^ /cdbloom@yehnet

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