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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Yoon Eun Hye's @1003Grace June 2012 tweets ~^^*

June 6

RT @ChungMinCho: 우리 모두 누군가의 사랑과 헌신에 빚진 자입니다. 겸손은 그 빚을 기억하고, 교만은 그 빚을 모릅니다.
We are all indebted to some others sacrifices and love. Modesty and humility remembers this debt, while arrogance ignores it.

June 15
마음과 마음을 사랑이라는 끈으로 연결하고 오겠습니다 . 모든것 내려놓고 주님께서 주신 맘으로 사랑가득 온전히 ,기쁨맘으로 전달할 수 있도록 기도 많이 해주세요~~ KBS 희망 로드 대장정 ! go go Madagascar!!!
I'll return after connecting hearts to hearts with rope of love. Please pray for me that I'll be able to drop all things and relay only the pure love and happiness that God has instilled in us~~ KBS Road For Hope ! go go go Madagascar!!!
KBS Road For Hope is a televised program which raises money and provides voluntary services to help children or people who are in need of assistance. It seems that Yoon Eun Hye will be featured in the program to help the people of Madagascar. Don't know when she will leave for Madagascar, but this is sure to be a great experience and a great news.

June 16

수도 '안타나나리고'에서 밥먹고 다시 공항으로 향하는 길에 알록달록 예뻐서 한컷!!
On the way to an airport after a meal in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, a cut of the pretty colors on the street!!

June 25

여러분들의 기도와 하나님의 보호 하심으로 무사히 잘 마치고 돌아왔습니다~
주님의 계획하신 모든것에 저라는 도구로 모든것을 완성시키시는 놀라운 경험들..
대자연의 아름다운 마다가스카르..
그러한 이면에
배고픔에 하루하루 고통받고 상처 받고 있는 ..너무 사랑스러운 아이들 ..ㅠㅠ
그땅에서 선교하시고 계신 주님의 일꾼들과의 만남
이 모든 경험들을 하게 해 주신 주님께 온맘다해 감사드립니다.
그땅에 축복과 도움의 손길이 넘쳐나길 기도합니다.

Thanks to everyones’ prayers and God’s protection, I have safely returned to Korea.~
I went through a lot of amazing experiences in which God has used me as his tool to complete his plan… 
The beautiful nature of Madagascar…
I met such lovable children there who suffer from hunger and pain each and every day
I also met God’s workers on that land doing missionary work.
I thank God for allowing me to have such experiences.
I pray that the land will overflow with aid and blessing.

other trans. cr : cdbloom@yehnet 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Yoon Eun Hye in Beijing for Artistry on Ice event (06/12/12)

credits to the owners ~ thanks ^^

Yoon Eun Hye at Beijing airport

bonus : 
Yoon Eun Hye spotted at Incheon heading to Beijing on June 10th for Artistry event

at Beijing capital airport June 13

credits to the owners of the pics ^^*