welcome to my YEH page*_* enjoy ~~ know more about YEH and more photos of YEH ^^* follow us on twitter @yooneunhyeclub. YEH's twitter is @1003Grace

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Yoon Eun Hye, Son Ye Jin & Song Yoona's Christmas Photos

On December 26,2011. Yoon Eun Hye eonni tweeted a picture of herself with SonYe Jin eonni~
- 어제 나를 구제해준 예진언니😍이미 언니가 올린사진으로 떠들썩 하구나~내년에도 함께해용~⁽⁽(*꒪ั❥꒪ั*)⁾⁾

Same as Yoon Eun Hye eonni .. Son Ye Jin posted (in her me2day account) her picture with YEH eonni and Song Yoona ~

Son Ye Jin revealed pictures taken with her entertainer friends Yoon Eun Hye and Song Yoona, via her Me2Day account, on December 26th.
Son Ye Jin posted two pictures along with a statement, "Have you had a great Christmas? I've spent happy moments with people I love. Let's all become even happier next year! Love".
Son Ye Jin is smiling brightly in the pictures while standing between Yoon Eun Hye and Song Yoona with her arms around their shoulders. The three of them induced smiles from the Netizens as they all had on Rudolf headbands.
Son Ye Jin had recently responded to the rumors that she had no friends in the entertainment industry by stating during the SBS 'Entertainment Tonight', aired on November 2nd, "While I've said that I had no friends in the entertainment industry before, I now have several friends."
She continued by stating "I'm close with seniors Song Yoona and Seol Kyung Koo, and close with Gong Hyo Jin and Yoon Eun Hye as well." and had left a cute "Hello" message.
Reporter Jeong Jee Won
cr: cdbloom@yeh.net

Monday, December 26, 2011

Yoon Eun Hye pictures at Bazaar Magazine

Yoon Eun Hye watched PSY and Jin Changxun concert ^^*

Yoon Eun Hye with Psy communicates the excitement of the concert in a photo

Singer Psy revealed a picture with Yoon Eun Hye, who had come to his concert.
Psy posted on his Me2Day on December 24th, “Yoo Eun Hye ‘One Touch’ 240 minute experience certification shot. The manager who took the picture, are you shaking? Ran till really till the very end”, along with a picture.
In the picture, the bright faces of Yoon Eun Hye and Psy seem to show that the excitement of the concert is still very much alive. Yoon Eun Hye seems to be makeup free save for the red lipstick that provides a focal point on her beautiful face.
Netizen comments on Psy and Yoon Eun Hye’s picture include, “They look like they’re close”, “It’s looks like the heat of the concert is still alive”, and “Yoon Eun Hye looks perfect.”
Psy held a concert with Kim Jang Hoon, ‘One Touch 2011 – Obstacle of Brothers’, on 23rd at the Olympic Gymnastics Stadium in Seoul.
Source: TV Daily via Nate

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Yoon Eun Hye's December tweets ..

note : PURPLE for the DATES ; BLUE for Yoon Eun Hye's original tweet ; RED for the ENGLISH translation  .. 

December 8,2011
오래간만에보는 커프 ~~내가봐도Σ(・ิ¬・ิ) 흐억!!님 보고푸당! youtube.com/watch?v=Z0DHZf…
eng : Watching CP for the first time in a while~~~Even I think its Σ(・ิ¬・ิ) huk!!! makes my heart fluttered..hehe I miss PD Lee Yoon Jung!!  youtube.com/watch?v=Z0DHZf…

이건 보너스 !!아침부터 옛추억에 잠기는구만 ~ 부끄럽지만 예뿌게봐주세용~ youtube.com/watch?v=pAdXMq…
eng : This one is a bonus !! I've been reminiscing the old memories since the morning~ It's bit embarrassing but please look favorably on it~

December 9,2011 

바보~난 홍콩이다 ㅋㅋ근데 정말 그때 좋았는데 그지 롱롱아(☍﹏⁰)사진찍어서 보내줭 RT @Park_Chorong: @1003Grace 언니예전에언니네집앞에서눈보고완전신나서뛰어다녔던거생각나요~ㅎㅎ 지금 밖에 한번 보세요 조금씩오는거같긴해요~~
 Dummy~ I'm in Hong Kong right now, keke. But really, those are great times right Cho rong? Take some pictures and send it to me @Park_Chorong: @1003Grace Unnie, I remember when you were having fun running around in front of your house before~hehe Take a look outside..it seems to be coming (snow) down little bit.

홍콩에서의 어제모습 ~~기사사진 몇장올립니당!! 인터뷰하는사진은 표정이 넘 웃겨서 ㅋㅋㅋ post.ly/4CptI
My appearance in Hong Kong yesterday ~~ I'm posting few pictures from the articles!! My expression in the picture during an interview is way too funny, kekeke post.ly/4CptI

December 10,2011
Entertainment Bldg Central, Hong Kong 에 위치한 MCM store방문한 파파라치컷!(๑╹ڡ╹)╭ ~ ♡ post.ly/4DpuI

-- A Paparazzi cut from visiting the MCM store at the Entertainment Bldg Central, Hong Kong.

December 11, 2011
한국에 잘 도착했습니다~ 많은분들관심,응원속에 잘 마치고 왔습니다 감사합니다~ 아 좋다! (๑>◡<๑) 날씨가 마니풀렸다해도 옷 따숩게입고 감기조심~아시죠? 저는 긴장풀렸는지 아주조금 콜록콜록 ㅎㅎ;;

  - I just got back to Korea~ Thanks to many of your interest and support, I was able to return after completing a successful event.~ I'm happy! While the weather has gotten bit warmer, you know that you have to stay careful not to catch cold~ right? I guess I must be relieved (from anxiety) since I'm coughing a bit this morninig..hehe

December 14,2011 (Bible verse translation ..  I got the translation from bible it self =D)

오직 사랑 안에서 참된 것을 하여 범사에 그에게까지 자랄지라 [엡4:15]

 -  Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. (this is NIV translation)

December 16, 2011

대박기원!!🙏RT : 네 전국투어의 마지막공연입니다. 당분간단독공연은 없습니다~ Poster!! YB in Seoul!!!우리 통하자!!

 -  The origin of the jackpot!!RT @ ybrocks: Yes, it is the last show of the tour across the country. For the time being, there is no exclusive gig-Poster!! YB in Seoul!!!We,!!http://lockerz.com/s/165016746

 '손에 쥐지 못할 추억은 내게는 필요 없다고 왜 내게 왜 책임 못 질 추억을 줘서' .. 먼데이키즈 (미행)가사 중에서 좋아서 올립니다   ( YEH's tweet is a quote from Monday Kiz 'Shadow lyrics' ) a ballad song ^^

    -   'Why did you give me memories that you can't even be responsible for, when you wished me to be happy' .. Monday Kiz ( Mi haeng) raises the good lyrics.

December 17,2011 

우리는 몸으로 있든지 떠나든지 주를 기쁘시게 하는 자가 되기를 힘쓰노라 [고후5:9]

-  We leave the body at any time, no matter that pleases the Lord to be him self nora [2 Corinthians 5:09]

December 18,2011

오늘 이상하게 청개구리가되고 싶네 ~ (1 ≖ ิ ټ ≖ ิ)

 - Today I intended to be a strange blue frog ~ (1 ≖ ิ ټ ≖ ิ)

착하네~졸고있는거 올릴려다 꾹!참길 잘했네^_^RT : 윤은혜양 부름받고 5년만에 와본교회!! 졸았다...ㅠㅠ오랜만이라 이해해주실거야...그쵸? 담엔 안졸게요..zz

 -  All good - you're asleep, trying to put everything down! Chamgil good work^_^ RT @smkku Yoon Eun Hye I've been called and the church in five years! I kind of dozed off everything ... ㅠ Please understand that it's been a la. ..Doesn't he? Dame Yen not'll Zhuozhengyuan... zz  

December 21,2011

소망 중에 즐거워하며 환난 중에 참으며 기도에 항상 힘쓰며 [롬 12:12]

     -rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation ; continuing instance in prayer  [Romans 12:12]

우리매니져애기가 '브레인'봤냐면서 월요일은 충격의도가니탕이였고 어제는오래간만에 드라마보면서 울었다며 이강훈선생님 연기짱이라며 드라마 얘기하는데 왜케 귀엽냐~~!미치겠당😍

 - We have seen the ' baby brain ' managers is shocked because the crucible of the bath in Monday, and yesterday I cried watching in drama and acting teacher saying, the drama the River Hun painfully cute talking why Kane per stand because ~ ~!

그마을에 죄인인여자가있었습니다. 그여인은 예수님 뒤쪽으로가서 예수님의 발 곁에서서 울며 눈물로 그의발을씻겼고 자신의 머리카락으로 발을닦고 입을맞추고 향유를 부었습니다 예수님께서 여자에게 말씀하셨습니다 "... 

 ---  He was a sinner, the woman in the town.

He went back to the people by the feet of Jesus, Jesus wept in his feet with tears his hair washing and scrubbing your foot into mouth was focused niches,
Jesus said to the woman
"Forgive your sins. Your faith has saved you are going to have peace. "
Luke Chapter 7, section 36 to 50
Love the Lord.

December 26,2011

어제 나를 구제해준 예진언니😍이미 언니가 올린사진으로 떠들썩 하구나~내년에도 함께해용~

Ye Jin unnie who saved me yesterday..I guess it's already been talked about since she posted the other one ~ Let's do it again next year ~ ⁽⁽(* ꒪ ั ❥ ꒪ ั *)⁾⁾

December 29,2011

잊혀질 추억을 만들어야 한다..슬프지만 공감..4번본영화RT: 좀전에 이터널선샤인을 다시 봤는데 영화의 연장선같은 글보고 괜히 깜놀.ㅋ: 잊어야 할 일들이 잊혀 ...

You must create memories that will be forgotten...While sad,I agree with it...It's a movie I've watched four times @eunjinsocial: I've just watched "Eternal Sunshine" again and was surprised to read the extended words, keke @maldive9: Forget what you must forget...http://post.ly/4cPWx

December 31,2011

2011년이 얼마남지않았네요 돌아보면 많은일들이 있었던 것 같기도하고 반복적인 생활들로 시간을 보낸것같기도하고 그래도 꾸준히 무언가를 할 수 있다는 것에 참 행복하고 감사함을 느낍니다 2011년은..... 

2011 is almost at an end..Looking back, it seems as if lots of things have happened as well as there seemed to have been many repetitive events..But I'm happy and grateful that I've had something to do consistently..

많은분들 관심속에 두작품이나 했고 무엇보다 주님을 더 깊게 알게되었고 사랑하는마음을 더 알게하셨고..
마음 찢어지게 아팠던일부터..
잘못한일이있다면 깊게 반성하며
다 못한일을 2012년에는 더 열심히 할것을 다짐하면서 ~
약 8시간 남은 마지막2011을 보내보려고합니다
이젠 29살이네요..
이건 어쩔수없는 씁쓸함^^;;
In 2011...
Thanks to many of your interest, I was able to participate in two projects..
And I was also to learn about love and God more deeply..
There were times of heartaches..
and times of happiness...times of being grateful...I remember..
I'm remorseful of anything I may have done wrong..
and ending 2011 with a promise to be more passionate in 2012, to do the things that I wasn't able to do this year..
By the way..I guess I'm 29 years old now...
And can't do much about this bitterness^^;;

 아 !그리고 2012년엔 감기와 이별좀했으면..@_@: 이제그만 헤어져!!

Ah! and I hope to goodbye to having a cold in 2012 ..@_@: It's about time we say farewell!!

also cr : cdbloom @yehnet

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Yoon Eun Hye is a 'CONTENDER' for the Female lead of "7th Level Civil Service Officer"

Producing A Drama At Sacheon City’s Sinsu-do, All Eyes On It
Sinsu-do (Sinsu Island), located in Sacheon City, Gyeongnam, and situated right at the heart of the beautiful Hallyeo Haesang National Park, will be a production/filming venue for a drama, thus gaining much attention.
On December 14th, a presentation was held by the production company, Appletree Pictures, at Sacheon City Hall, with executives from the civil service in attendance, for the drama “7th Level Civil Service Officer” (working title). The proposal for production support was revealed with the following request, “We wish to film a drama at Sinsu-do, which has been listed as a “Luxury Products Island” (note: this is a very literal translation. it means something like a very rare, treasured island.) by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. We request for sponsorship of $4 billion won to construct the film set, and also for the production fees etc.”
According to the production company, “7th Level Civil Service Officer” will be a mini-series with 20 episodes adapted from the movie “My Girlfriend Is An Agent” (note: the Korean title of this movie is the same as the working title for this drama), which starred Kang Ji Hwan and Kim Ha Neul, and which was released in 2009 and attracted 4 million movie-goers. The contract for the copyright aspect has been completed with Japan’s ACC (Asia Content Center). The drama is scheduled to be broadcast in Korea and will also be expected to be exported overseas.
It was revealed that the arrangements for the production work will be done in January next year. From February till March, the main filming venues will be confirmed and the contracts for the lead actors will be finalised. In May, the production press conference will be held. In July next year, the drama is scheduled to be broadcast on MBC.
Further, the production company said, “Sinsu-do of Sacheon City has been set up to be the hometown of the female lead role of Seo Won and the home of her parents, and Sinsu-do will be continuously be featured throughout the drama. Sinsu-do will be actively used for the melodramatic moments between the male and female leads. In the first half of the drama, Sinsu-do will be used to showcase the sea and the villages which occurred when the leads are still young children. Further, because Sinsu-do will also be used for the venues where the leads have their free-fall, air transportation and physical training, the “ambassador” effect will be huge.”
In particular, the production company said with confidence, “We will introduce the romantic atmosphere exuded by Sacheon City, which is filled with interesting events, glamorous spectacle, the seas, all contrasted against the beautiful natural scenery. Having revealed all these, the level of awareness about this city will definitely go up. In particular, with the appearance of TVXQ’s U-Know Yunho, a best-of-the-best singer at the heart of the global Hallyu K-Pop, this will provide opportunities for tourists from Asia and all over the world to come over here.”
The script-writing for this drama will be undertaken by Chun Sung Il, the original writer of the movie “My Girlfriend Is An Agent” and the drama “Chuno”. The male lead role of Han Gil Roo, will be picked from U-Know Yunho or Song Joong Ki, while the female lead role of Kim Seo Won, will be chosen from Park Shin Hye, Yoon Eun Hye, Han Hyo Joo, Shin Se Kyung or Shin Mina. It was also revealed that Joo Won (role of Gong Do Ha), Ryu Seung Ryong (role of Park Jong Joo), Sung Dong Il (role of Kim Won Suk) have already been scheduled to appear in the drama.
Meanwhile, although this drama will be using the original movie screenplay, showing the process whereby a hot-blooded and arrogant newbie agent Han Gil Roo who dreams of being 007, and a practical intelligence agent who has been weather-beaten by the hardships of life, Kim Seo Won, fought villainous terrorists together and then fell in love with each other, the drama will focus more on making their anguish and troubles seem more real and relatable. The drama aims to illustrate the world of intelligence agents by showcasing the predicament faced by secret agents, and their laughter and tears.
Source: newsis via naver
Translated by: CTVXQstaff_mug_ping @ ContinueTVXQ.com
Distributed by: CTVXQstaff_mug_ping @ ContinueTVXQ.com

Friday, December 9, 2011

Yoon Eun Hye in Hong Kong for the Opening of MCM (Mode Creation Munich)

Yoon Eun Hye left the Inchon International Airport to attend the opening ceremony of the MCM Hong Kong Satellite store on the afternoon of December 7th.
Yoon Eun Hye attracted attention with white "No Pants Look" fashion. While looking subtle, it showcased fresh look. Her bag she was carrying also grabbed attention.
MCM Marketing explained to the media that the yellow color alligator bag is a limited item priced around $5000 US Dollars. The chic MCM Trolley bag has received much love from many celebrities such as Kim Tae Hee, Yoo Ji Tae, and etc.. The red color passport wallet is also an MCM product. In addition, MCM explaind that the long cardigan that competes Yoon Eun Hye's beautiful lady look is also a MCM product, and it's made from top quality Italian cashmere.

YEH's pictures at the MCM opening store 
the guy beside her is Hongkong actor Shawn Yue 

lucky man !

pictures from Yoon Eun Hye's twitter account (@1003Grace)



trans by cdbloom : She said, “I’m presently examining a very good script and I wish to satisfy my fans and make them happy.” She will stay in Hong Kong for a week and hopes to eat many tasty Hong Kong food and may gain some weight when she returns to Korea.

cr : weibo,yehnet and as tagged on pictures ^^